SOUNDS EXCITING, BUT WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN? Each session will begin with grounding and attuning ourselves to oneself, each other and the environment. This will include embodied practices, including practices that can be used for supportive self-regulation during challenging points that will inevitably arise occasionally through this committed and deep work. Sessions will include a wide variety of planned and spontaneous practices for deepening one's connection to self, group and nature. These include, but are not limited to, interacting with the natural environment, Core Energetics process work, small group exploration/conversation, ritual, journaling, and various movement/energy practices.
REGISTRATION: Please email me or call if you are interested in this group, including your current sense of goal or intention that you'd like to bring into this process. (No pressure - this can change!) Also, please share how you feel about making a 12-session (six-month) commitment, as this is an important part of this group's culture. If you are new to working with me, after I receive your email or call, our next step is to schedule one or two individual sessions to build rapport and develop a shared sense of if working together, and this group in particular, are a good fit.
SLIDING SCALE: Though I have worked to keep the session rate affordable to most, I am committed to making this group experience financially accessible for any who are aligned with this process.
REAL TALK ON WEATHER: I am not interested in anyone feeling obliged to put themselves at the risk of illness or ignoring real needs for health and safety throughout this process. For those with health concerns, accommodations will be made as best as possible. We will develop an alternative plan for objectively unsafe weather, such as icy roads, lightning, etc.
ACCESSIBILITY: The outdoor grounds of Evans Creek Lodge are unfortunately not accessible for those with significant mobility challenges. There is a steep grade which requires stairs. I am hopeful of getting city approval to make a ramp option available. Please accept my sincere apology.
SCHEDULE: Sessions are scheduled every other week. After a member's initial six-month commitment, members have the option to continue with the group on a seasonal basis.